Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding

What is LAGB?

腹腔镜可调节胃束带(LAGB)是一种减肥手术. Weight-loss surgery is also called bariatric surgery. 这是一种腹腔镜手术,在上腹部有一个小切口. 外科医生在胃的上部绑上一根可调节的带子. This creates a very small stomach pouch. 胃袋小意味着你吃得少了会有饱腹感. This will help you lose weight.

The band can be adjusted. 这是通过在绷带周围的气球中添加或移除液体来完成的. 这是通过放置在腹部皮肤下的一个端口来完成的. A tube leads from the port to the band around your stomach. During office visits after surgery, 你的医生会用一根针穿过你的皮肤进入端口. Fluid is injected into the port. 液体通过管子进入束带周围的气球,挤压胃的顶部. 每次就诊时,医生通常会补充少量液体,同时检查你的体重减轻情况. If the band becomes too tight, some fluid will be removed.

Why might I need LAGB?

LAGB is used to treat severe obesity. 建议那些尝试过其他减肥方法但没有长期成功的人使用. 如果你严重肥胖,身体质量指数(BMI)超过40,你的医生可能会建议你使用LAGB. 如果你的身体质量指数在35到40之间,并且有睡眠呼吸暂停等健康问题,你的医生也可能会建议你这样做, high blood pressure, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes.

What are the risks of LAGB?

Bleeding, infection, 你腿上的血块是任何手术后可能出现的副作用. 全身麻醉也可能引起呼吸问题或其他反应.

Other risks of LAGB can include slipping of the band, puncturing of the stomach, or food not going into the stomach. You may have food intolerance after gastric band surgery. 例如,你可能不能吃红肉,而红肉是膳食铁的主要来源. This would put you at a higher risk for anemia. 久而久之,在胃和胃带周围形成纤维囊. 如果需要的话,这可能会使以后在上胃做任何其他手术变得困难.

With LAGB, you may not lose as much weight as you would like. 如果你的身体质量指数超过50,这条手环可能不适合你. 如果你不经常运动,你可能不会用手环减掉很多体重.

You may have other risks based on your health. 在手术前一定要和你的医疗团队谈谈你的顾虑.

How do I get ready for LAGB?

您的医疗团队需要确保LAGB对您来说是一个好的选择. 不建议滥用药物或酗酒的人做减肥手术, 或者无法终生改变饮食和锻炼习惯的人.

在做手术之前,你需要参加减肥手术教育课程. This will help you prepare for surgery, and life after surgery. You'll have nutritional counseling. And you may have a psychological evaluation. You'll also need physical exams and tests. You will need blood tests. 你可能会对你的胃进行影像学检查,或者进行上腹内窥镜检查.

如果你吸烟,你需要在手术前几个月戒烟. Your surgeon may ask you to lose some weight before surgery. 这将有助于使你的肝脏更小,并使手术更安全. You'll need to stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, 还有其他稀释血液的药物. 手术前午夜过后你不应该吃或喝任何东西.

What happens during LAGB?

  • LAGB surgery usually takes 30 to 60 minutes.
  • You will have general anesthesia for your surgery. 这将使你在手术过程中睡觉,而不会感到疼痛.
  • Your surgeon will use laparoscopy. 他或她会在你的上腹部做几个小切口. 然后,外科医生将插入腹腔镜,并将小型手术工具放入这些切口.
  • 外科医生会在你的上胃周围放一条可调节的胃带,然后把它收紧,形成一个小胃袋.
  • 外科医生会在你腹部的皮肤下放一个小口. A tube is connected between the port and the band.
  • 如果你有裂孔疝,你的外科医生可能会在你做LAGB手术的同时修复裂孔疝.

What happens after LAGB?

You'll likely go home the day after surgery. You will be on a liquid diet for the first week or two. 你的手术团队会在接下来的几周给你一份饮食计划. 你会从液体食物,到泥状食物,然后是软食物,然后是常规食物. Each meal needs to be very small. You should make sure to eat slowly and chew each bite well. Don't move too quickly to regular food. This can cause pain and vomiting. 和你的医疗团队一起找出最适合你的食物. 胃痊愈后,你需要改变你的饮食习惯. You'll need to eat small meals for your small stomach.

做过减肥手术的人可能很难获得足够的维生素和矿物质. 这是因为他们摄入的食物较少,吸收的营养也较少. 你可能需要每天服用多种维生素,外加钙-维生素D补充剂. You may need additional nutrients, such as vitamin B12 or iron. Your medical team will give you instructions.

在手术后的一年中,你需要每隔几个月进行一次定期的血液检查. This is to make sure you don't have low blood iron (anemia), high blood glucose, or low calcium or vitamin D levels. 如果你有胃灼热,你可能需要吃药来减少胃酸.

减肥后,你可能会重新获得一些你减掉的体重. 为了避免这种情况,请确保遵循健康的饮食习惯并定期锻炼. The sleeve may widen (dilate) over time. This will let you eat more. 但请记住,如果你吃得太多,你可能会体重反弹. 你可能想加入一个减肥手术支持小组来帮助你坚持新的饮食习惯.

你需要终身去看医生,检查手环是否有问题, and have band adjustments as needed.

Next steps


  • The name of the test or procedure
  • The reason you are having the test or procedure
  • What results to expect and what they mean
  • The risks and benefits of the test or procedure
  • What the possible side effects or complications are
  • When and where you are to have the test or procedure
  • 谁来做测试或程序,那个人的资格是什么
  • What would happen if you did not have the test or procedure
  • Any alternative tests or procedures to think about
  • When and how will you get the results
  • 在测试或程序后,如果您有疑问或问题,可以打电话给谁
  • How much will you have to pay for the test or procedure

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